Community-Based Services
We, along with our community partners provide educational forums and presentations to faculty, parents and students throughout Putnam County. This includes participating in community events and health fairs. We also collaborate with our partners to provide Naloxone Overdose Prevention Training to the community.
In addition, the Putnam Communities That Care Coalition and the Prevention Council of Putnam host an annual prevention conference each Fall and co-sponsor the Mid-Hudson Prevention Conference in the Spring.
We also provide staff development programs to local schools districts and community service agencies.
Drug Free Communities
The DFC program, in collaboration with the Communities That Care (CTC) Coalition, aims to reduce substance abuse among youth by addressing community factors that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse. The CTC Coalition includes individuals from all sectors of the community who work together to reduce risk factors and strengthen protective factors through education, enforcement, and policy initiatives. If you are interested in joining the Putnam County CTC Coalition please contact us at 845-225-4646.
See our Social Norms Campaign
Hope Not Handcuffs
Hope Not Handcuffs is an initiative aimed at bringing law enforcement and community organizations together in an effort to find viable treatment options for individuals seeking help to reduce dependency with any substance including heroin, prescription drugs, and alcohol. A person can come to a participating law enforcement agency and ask for help. They will be greeted with compassion and respect. An Angel volunteer will be called to assist until a treatment option is found. For more information please visit Hope Not Handcuffs
Information and Referral
We provide information about alcohol and other drugs, and confidential referrals for individuals and family members seeking treatment for alcoholism and drug dependencies and self help programs.
Milton Carpenter Scholarship
This scholarship is available to high school seniors. Please see requirements and details.
Opioid Overdose Prevention Provider
The Prevention Council of Putnam is a NYS certified Opioid Overdose Prevention Provider. We are able to provide one on one, and group trainings to anyone who would like to know how to save a life by administering Naloxone (Narcan). At the end of each training, you will receive a Narcan/Naloxone Kit which includes two doses of intranasal Naloxone, instruction card, and a face shield. For more information, call us at 845-225-4646.
Problem Gambling Prevention Program
The Problem Gambling Prevention Program is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the negative impact that problem and compulsive gambling has on the individual, family and community while ensuring access to preventative and treatment services. For many people gambling is a fun and entertaining activity. For some, gambling is an unhealthy habit and/or addiction. For these individuals, gambling not only negatively affects their finances, it controls their lives. Many problem and compulsive gamblers feel real physical and mental symptoms while their relationships are severely altered and diminished. There is help and hope for people experiencing the addiction of gambling. For more information please visit our gambling awareness page.
Recovery Services
Friends of Recovery Putnam is comprised of Putnam County community members who are in recovery from alcohol and substance use disorders, their family members, and allies. Our mission is to promote a positive view of recovery, and to reduce stigma.
Recovery Peer Advocate
There are many pathways to recovery. The Recovery Peer Advocate can assist individuals and families who are struggling with substance use no matter where they are in their journey. Whether you are questioning a change or ready to take action, the Peer Recovery Advocate is here to listen.
The Recovery Peer Advocate is a certified, peer-based recovery support service that is non-clinical and designed to engage others beyond initiation through stabilization and into recovery maintenance.
Simulated Impaired DriviNg Experience ® (SIDNE)
SIDNE® is a behind the wheel driving experience that makes the dangers of distracted and impaired driving real and personal. Drivers and passengers can safely experience a simulation of what happens when they attempt to operate a vehicle while impaired or distracted. SIDNE ® is now being introduced to enable high school students, college students, and parents to experience firsthand the often unimagined impact of driving while impaired. SIDNE ® is a prevention initiative utilized and demonstrated in a collaborative effort by The Prevention Council of Putnam, Putnam County CTC Coalition and the Putnam County Youth Bureau, to deliver engaging and hands-on lessons about the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and the dangers of distracted driving. Other activities include Fatal Vision ® Impairment Goggles, Distract-A-Match ®, simulated field sobriety test, Intoxiclock ® and Sum-It-Cup ®.
Team Teen
An evidenced-based early intervention program targeting 12 to 19 year-olds who display the early stages of alcohol or drug use problems (e.g., using or possessing drugs during school) but do not use these substances daily or demonstrate substance dependence. Integrating stages of change theory, motivational enhancement, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, this intervention aims to help teens reduce and ultimately eliminate their alcohol and other drug use. Visit Team Teen for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Victim Impact Panel
The Putnam County Victim Impact Panel (VIP) Program is a collaboration between The Prevention Council of Putnam, Putnam County Probation Department and Putnam County STOP DWI. The program provides bi-monthly forums on the consequences of drunk driving from people whose lives have been impacted by a drunk driver. Other panel members include people in recovery, emergency services providers, police officers, or even a DWI/DWAI offender. People convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) are mandated by the courts to attend VIP with the aim of reducing recidivism. For more information please visit the Victim Impact Panel page.